
Essential job readiness skills for B.Com students

The current BCOM education program is outdated and students when they graduate need to start from scratch to become more employable. If you are a BCOM student and do not wish to be in this situation refer our blog for an insight into skills a BCOM student needs in this day and age and how to acquire them :-

Tips On How To Get A Good Job After B.Com

After completing your graduation you might feel that you have accomplished a great milestone and you might start dreaming of good job and salary package. However with the changing times and increasing competition holding just a B.Com degree is not enough! One needs to be prepared and euipped with best skills. Learning just the theoritical concepts does not help in long run. In order to survive in the current market scenario you need to be prepared for more. Read our blog to know about some special tips which can help you get a good job after B.Com.  Visit:

Preparing future professionals skillfully - Lulla School of Commerce and Finance

Skill gap is considered as one of the biggest problems in India. Its time our schools and universities take steps to prepare students skillfully. Lulla School of Commerce and Finance, leading commerce institute in Vadodara works with the goal of preparing students to become future professionals skillfully. Read the blog to know more.

Professionalism in India – Misunderstood

The term professional is misunderstood - there is a misconception that if you are a CA or CS then only can you termed as a professional. This is wrong a proper graduation with a skill development program can also make you a professional. A job ready professional. Refer our blog for more:

Challenges In Education System

Challenges In Education System Indian Education System is facing a lot of challenges due to lack of Skill-based learning practical application of knowledge. Students are not prepared for the outer world. Commerce Education in India is undergoing the same problems. Read the blog to know what exactly is affecting and leading to increasing problems in the Education sector. For More Info:

Need For Professional Learning For Bcom Mcom

Need For Professional Learning For Bcom Mcom Professional learning is an effective and important skill based learning plan that aids in student development. Formal Education in India is more focussed and centered around bookish knowledge. Imparting tactic and practical Knowledge among the students is the need of the hour . Read the blog to know why there is an increasing need for professional learning. For More Info: